Sunday August 1st, 2010
I woke more bloated than a beached whale. Uh, oh, we're having guests later, please let this pass before their visit. One has to watch what they ingest (especially "gassy" foods) otherwise they'll pay the price later. I asked for it with all the good food I had @ my coworker's potluck. I'm sorry I missed mass because of the discomfort I went through the night and had a restless night.
Marie's grandparents came by in the evening, it's their first time seeing me since my diagnosis. They brought ceviche, shrimp cocktail, a fruit basket, flowers (no we did not eat the flowers), etc.. In addition to that, we had ribs, chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad, hot dogs, etc., so you know I have no problem eating. If the pain got bad, I went to the other room until it subsided. Girls don't do that so I don't know what YOU'RE thinking, yeah, right. We're all human. As one coworker told a pt. as we were cleaning his diaper, he let loose and smiled, "God made hurricanes and volcanoes too, it's perfectly natural, so go ahead & let it out."
I had to come back for dessert, my sister made Hawaiian salad, our brother bought Tres Leches cake (and boy was it fresh, you can tell when it's been sitting there a while) and a banana & strawberry pie. Keeping up with the calories. Of course I didn't partake in all that, just enough to get my appetite sated.
Their visit was nice, we shared encouraging words about faith and hope. It doesn't matter what religion you believe in, as in the book, "Crazy, Sexy Cancer", as long as you believe in something, it'll give you strength to carry you through the rough times. Her grandparents had hosted a Mexican Fiesta over the years, we made plans to have another one. I hope it'll be on a good weekend, otherwise double up on the Compazine & throw me in a wheelchair or prop me up on a lawn chair. I just have to make sure beforehand that I don't eat the gassy foods that got me today. If we're outside, I'll just blame it on the birds or "Are they STILL shooting off fireworks?"
Thanks to all who participated in the Cancer Relays for Life over the weekend in Hammond, Ind. and Chicago. You are great people with big hearts. Alicia, your pics really touched my heart, I loved the big illuminated "HOPE" in the night shots. I guess when all seems dark and dreary, look for that light, that "HOPE". I loved the one you made, "My Grandma Helen kicked cancer in the Dupa!" I hope to say that someday too.
:D Love you! -Alicia